One of my biggest fears is having a vacation suck! And I slide into toxic positivity because of that fear.

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I can totally relate to that! Most of us have precious little time off (myself included) so there is a lot of pressure for it to be perfect. The good news is that I think there is always good to be found, even when a trip doesn’t go as planned!

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Yes absolutely! Love that perspective.

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It’s never vacation with young kids. It’s a trip. I’d almost even call it a WORK trip.

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10000% yes.

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Also went to Mexico this year, also dealt with a sick baby and then my husband and then me...our toddler had the time of her life though 😅 sending solidarity! We keep saying “never again”, but here we are, browsing bookings for next year. It isn’t all bad, it just was less than ideal circumstances (or so I tell myself). Thanks for sharing!

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I can relate! The rose colored glasses set in quickly!!!! Which is actually a good thing I suppose!!

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I love your kids names!!

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that is so kind, thank you!

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I'm sorry your vacation sucked but glad you are on the other side of it!! Appreciate the honesty that it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Currently resisting the urge to buy a new wardrobe for Mexico lol

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Good luck it is NOT EASY!! ps - nothing wrong with a few new treats though - there is still arguably nothing that quite compares to the perfect outfit while on vacation! Have a great trip!

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I loved this newsletter for both your honesty about your trip and the life lesson of not buying a whole new wardrobe for a vacation. I heard a TikTok recently where the girl said “why don’t we introduce our tried and true clothes to the destination” with the implication that we go buy new clothes for a new place rather than relying on our bread and butters. Then again, I’m VERY guilty of buying new things thinking “I don’t have anything to wear to Mexico” ha!

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I think it's all about balance!! I'm really glad I didn't buy all new stuff - because I wouldn't have worn it, but also because even if I had and worn it I definitely would have regretted some of the purchases after the shiny newness wore off! It's all about showing a little restraint, along with some well thought-out indulgences!

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Oh gosh, I really appreciate you sharing this story. I’ve often found one of the hardest parts of having a sick kid is the anxiety, because you’re sleep deprived and it’s hard to anticipate if anything is getting better or worse. So happy to hear you’re all home and doing better!

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yes, totally. the anxiety is killer - especially when you are sleep deprived!

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