Hey, hello, what’s up?

Welcome to my newsletter! My name is Christina. I’m a mom, friend, wife, shopper, beauty product hoarder, reader, cooking enthusiast, design-lover, consultant, problem-solver, maybe writer? I believe in the power of a great outfit - an outfit that makes me feel good sets the tone for my day, and lets me show up in the world as exactly who i want to be, feeling ready to tackle whatever it is that’s coming my way.

‘No One Asked, But,"‘ is a Newsletter about personal style, getting dressed (and how it is a form of self expression and taking care of yourself) as well as small essays about my life - heavy on parenthood, adulthood, etc. You can read a little more about my mission and what I’m doing here.

I write about what I’m browsing, shopping and buying, and how I’m actually wearing those pieces season over season, and year over year. I share fantasy (and sometimes actual) shopping lists, things I love and what’s happening in my life (heavy on motherhood, partnerships and adult friendships!) in the hopes that something I write resonates with someone else, and with a mission of helping others find joy in getting dressed.

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A Newsletter about personal style, getting dressed (and how it is a form of self-care), and small essays about my life. I'm here to help you get dressed, feel great, and make shopping for the pieces that you need easy.


The friend you text when you don't know what to wear! I love clothes, fashion, personal style, great outfits, and getting dressed up. I want to help you enjoy getting dressed. I am a management consultant, wife, and mom of 3 by day.