This made me want to go shopping so badly!!! But is also excellent real life advice! I've started also doing the wishlist thing and honestly it sort of triggers the dopamine of online shopping.

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I'm glad you found it helpful! I have truly found that by creating a wishlist & "tending to it" -- eg: removing things that I am "meh" about a week or so later -- The things that persist on that wishlist are the things that are going to bring you the most joy!

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I loved this tip from Joanna Goddard’s Big Salad Newsletter, and I started my own “Should I Buy This” Pinterest board! Its a private board that I don’t share with anyone, and it serves as a parking lot of sorts that I link items to that I’m thinking about buying. https://open.substack.com/pub/joannagoddard/p/shannon-maldonado-favorite-things?r=6zsgi&utm_medium=ios

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YES! I'm obsessed with that recommendation (I also have a secret Pinterest board that I use for things I am wanting - I like to have a list in my notes app because I love to cross something off & add notes, but the visual component of pinterest is important and helps me decide if I actually even like something or not!

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